██████████ ▌ ██ ▌ Black Fashion Fair 2015 ▌██ ▌███████████
by WeDo SL Events.
▌Date: April 17 to May 01
███ ▌▌ ▌ TIMELINE
March 20 - Closing date for submission the application of the designers.
March 20 - All stores fees must be paid.
April 09 - Setup will begin!
The land will open for designers.
April 12 - End of setup!
All designers should be with their spaces ready to go.
April 14 - Bloggers preview begins.
Designers may send their items to the group of this event
(and to their personal blogger groups if they wish to).
April 17 - 1PM SLT
Black Fashion Fair 2015 will open.
May 01 - 4PM SLT
Black Fashion Fair will close.